iFAQ's and A's
after much password forgotten trickery is at great haste if not treachery - he posts.
the question that they don't always ask is "where do you find the strength to continue?" "what is the guiding spirit, the force that binds?" that is of course two questions if not three, never the less the answer is one fold, or singular, as it is more commonly referred too - the past. Past lives, past humans - in short history - strength comes from the inspiration of others. How could it not? We are the some of their total. We are the continuation of their work - we are the world we are the ones that make a brighter day, so lets start stealing, ideas that is. You can keep your possessions but then you knew that, it's not like you weren't prepared to die for them anyway, 'Bugger' have I lost my mobile again...
Because thought is unending but life is finite - ideas must be continued and for this we have communication. We hand it down - and don't you think for a second that it is not part of evolution - those songs you dislike that get stuck in your head - they are as much a part of the continuation of human history, the adjoining of creativity - the unending human legacy as important as the literature, art and treasured facets of man and mind kind . We hold a tune and repeat it , and repeat it - because we continue eachother's work - because alone we are useless - pieces of a jigsaw alone on the garage or spare room floor. So, I write as a stop gap. A bridge between minds long gone and yet to come. Take from the past and give to the future - what else and moreover why else is there? It's important I don't forget this. Rumour has it it's a reason to live.
the question that they don't always ask is "where do you find the strength to continue?" "what is the guiding spirit, the force that binds?" that is of course two questions if not three, never the less the answer is one fold, or singular, as it is more commonly referred too - the past. Past lives, past humans - in short history - strength comes from the inspiration of others. How could it not? We are the some of their total. We are the continuation of their work - we are the world we are the ones that make a brighter day, so lets start stealing, ideas that is. You can keep your possessions but then you knew that, it's not like you weren't prepared to die for them anyway, 'Bugger' have I lost my mobile again...
Because thought is unending but life is finite - ideas must be continued and for this we have communication. We hand it down - and don't you think for a second that it is not part of evolution - those songs you dislike that get stuck in your head - they are as much a part of the continuation of human history, the adjoining of creativity - the unending human legacy as important as the literature, art and treasured facets of man and mind kind . We hold a tune and repeat it , and repeat it - because we continue eachother's work - because alone we are useless - pieces of a jigsaw alone on the garage or spare room floor. So, I write as a stop gap. A bridge between minds long gone and yet to come. Take from the past and give to the future - what else and moreover why else is there? It's important I don't forget this. Rumour has it it's a reason to live.